Frequently Asked Questions
What Color Service should I book?
Partial Highlight VS. Full Highlight
A partial highlight focuses on brightening face-framing pieces, the crown and parting areas. A full highlight provides all-around coverage, including the nape area. If your hair feels too dark underneath when you wear it up, you may need a full highlight.
Balayage, AKA Hair Painting
Hair painting, or balayage, is a French highlighting technique. The lightening effects can vary from naturally sun-kissed to dramatic contrast. This freehand approach creates a softer effect and easier maintenance than the hard lines and regrowth you see when highlighting with foils.
Do I need a consultation before my first color visit?
Consultations are complimentary and only take a few minutes, so they're a great way to make sure your color service fits into your schedule and budget, and that you and your stylist are a good match.
How do I tip?
Gratuity is left to your discretion and much appreciated. We accept both cash and tip on credit cards. Most guests choose to tip 20% of their service cost.
I can’t make my appointment. Now What?
We require 24 hours notice for cancellations or rescheduling. Appointment reminders are sent via email or phone call in anticipation of your appointment. We respect your time and kindly ask that you respect ours in return! You can confirm, reschedule or cancel your appointment multiple ways: through our online portal, by calling the salon, or emailing before the 24 hour mark.